.. include:: ../demo_rst/Displaying_Detected_Peaks.rst The function :func:`pyms.Peak.List.IO.store_peaks` can be used to store the peaks, which can be loaded back with :func:`pyms.Peak.List.IO.load_peaks` for later display. .. clearpage:: When not running in Jupyter Notebook, the plot may appear in a separate window like the one shown in :numref:`Displaying_Detected_Peaks`. .. _Displaying_Detected_Peaks: .. figure:: graphics/Displaying_Detected_Peaks_output_script.png :scale: 80 :alt: Graphics window displayed by the script 71/proc.py Graphics window displayed by the ``Displaying_Detected_Peaks.py`` script .. note:: This example is in ``demo/jupyter/Displaying_Detected_Peaks.ipynb`` and ``demo/scripts/Displaying_Detected_Peaks.py``. .. clearpage::